Services and Rates


    DOGS: $30 for one walk a day or $55 for two walks a day. Walks are scheduled after 11 a.m. Each visit includes:
  • Walking your dog for about 40 minutes in your neighborhood or a nearby park, rain or shine
  • Socializing with and playing with your dog
  • Feeding, offering treats, stuffing Kongs and refreshing the water in clean bowls
  • Administering medications, injections and sub-Q fluids if needed 
  • Brushing your dog, drying him or her off if wet, and cleaning his or her sleeping area if desired 
    CATS AND OTHER PETS: $30 for one visit a day or $55 for two visits a day. Each visit also includes:
  • Socializing and playing with your cat or other pet for 20-30 minutes each visit (if they're in the mood)
  • Feeding, cleaning the bowls, and refreshing the water
  • Cleaning litter boxes and disposing of used litter
  • Administering medications, injections and sub-Q fluids if needed
  • Brushing your cat
  • Sweeping up litter off the floor and cleaning around the feeding area on the last visit

There is no extra charge for up to six pets of any type (and an unlimited number of fish) in the same household. I do not walk dog groups or "packs" of dogs from different households together, so your pooches will receive lots of individual attention.
  • Bringing in newspapers, ads, flyers, mail and packages
  • Feeding any fish you may have
  • Watering plants
  • Turning lights on at my first visit and off at my second visit if I'm coming for two visits a day
  • Opening and closing curtains
  • Putting out trash containers for weekly pickup
  • Calling or e-mailing you when requested
  • Leaving a note at the end of each series of visits highlighting any information of importance
  • Additional services, like vet visits, pet food shopping and other errands, are charged like regular visits. I do not offer boarding in my home, house sitting or overnight stays. If you have dogs and cats, the dog rate applies. Additional rates may also be negotiated if your pet has special needs that require a lot of extra time.

    Initial consultation/get-acquainted visits are always FREE.

    I am very experienced administering medications to pets. However, if you have a cat in need of medications or other attention, who is afraid of strangers and who may hide under a bed or in a difficult-to-reach place, please block access to such hiding places before you leave and during our get-acquainted visit. For instance, if possible, close the doors to bedrooms and closets.

    Bathroom Breaks for Dogs
    Dogs need at least three outdoor bathroom breaks a day. If your dog has access to a garage, an enclosed back yard or another outdoor space, or if someone else will also be walking your dog in addition to me, I will be happy to provide one or two walks a day. However, if your dog will not be getting any bathroom breaks other than my one or two visits a day, I cannot walk your dog. This applies even if you have indoor pee pads, artificial grass or a "litter box" for your dog.

    I drive a small SUV. If you have a long driveway or parking space that I can use while you're gone, that's great. If street parking is ample most of the time (and legal for nonresidents), that's OK too. However, if you live in an area where parking is usually a problem, like Haight-Ashbury, Noe Valley, Glen Park or Nob Hill in San Francisco, and you don't have a vehicle or can't let me use your personal parking space, please be prepared to pay for a nearby parking lot space for my car during my visits to care for your pet. If there aren't any parking lots nearby, I will make every effort to park in a legal space on the street, but if there aren't any when I come, please be willing to pay for any parking citations I may receive before I can accept your pet sitting request.

    Service Area
    I live in Daly City near "The Top of the Hill," on the border with San Francisco. I will travel throughout San Francisco north up to Geary Boulevard and, where Geary runs into Market Street, up to Market. In San Mateo County I service Daly City, Pacifica, South San Francisco, San Bruno and Brisbane.